Passport Shiba Inu
Do you have to travel abroad with your Shiba Inu? Then you need a passport. First of all, the Shiba Inu dog must be registered with the veterinary services of your region. To do this you must inoculate the microchip, a procedure that is done by the vet of the breeding that gives you the puppy of Shiba Inu. If they give you Shiba Inu puppies and ask you to inoculate the chip there is a scam. When the puppy is delivered to the new custodial, the chip must already be inoculated. The breeder will be responsible for issuing the necessary documentation that the new owner will have to present to the veterinary services in his area of residence, who will take care of the puppy's load in the canine registry. Usually if you reside in the same region it is enough that either the buyer or the breeder goes to his dog registry and automatically the puppy Shiba Inu will be unloaded and the load in favor of the new owner. If you live in different regions, you should both present yourself to the relevant veterinary services in your area of residence. If the Shiba inu dog or puppy should go abroad, only the discharge from the veterinary services database should be performed. The transferor must not issue any documents to the buyer because it is enough for the buyer to make a new registration in his own country. Once the dog has been transferred or registered to the canine registry, a passport can be requested. You must go to the veterinary services with the puppy, a valid identity document and possibly the health card. After visiting the puppy and checking the microchip, you will have to fill in the application for the passport request immediately and on site. The passport will be issued immediately with an expense of approximately € 12.50. Premise of the owner is to transfer the valid vaccinations already made in the passport. At this point at 12 weeks from the birth of the puppy must be antirabic. The antirabic can have validity 3 years or 1 year depends on the product used by your vet. Please note that some states require antirabic validity only for 1 year and do not accept that for 3 years. Ask the veterinary services before leaving if the state where you go will accept the vacancy at 1 or 3 years. Here you go to the trusted veterinarian who will give you the vaccine and report all the necessary data on your passport. From the date of inoculation of the antirabic one must pass twenty-one days and then you can go abroad starting from the twenty-second day. Some countries may request an International certificate of good health; usually in Europe it is not necessary. The international certificate of good health is issued by the veterinary services of your local health care company. Just call to book the visit, go with the dog, the health card or passport and a valid ID and the veterinarian of the ASL after visiting the dog will issue the certificate. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact the veterinary services of your healthcare company.